Dogs are great and loving companions that add so much enjoyment to
the lives of their owners. The enjoyment of owning a dog is even further
enhanced when the dog is properly trained and obedient. More dogs are
abandoned each year over the issue of “house training” or “potty
training” than for any other reason. The sad part is that potty training
a dog is a relatively simple process that requires consistency on the
part of the dog owner. That’s where the problem lies. Inconsistency is
the worst enemy when it comes to house breaking any breed of dog. More
often than not, the failure of house training a dog sits squarely on the
shoulders of the pet’s owner.
Granted, some dog breeds are easier to train than others, but with just a little effort, all dogs can be house broken in a fairly short amount of time. A problem most pet owners have is in believing that their beloved dog can think and process thoughts and actions just like a human. I’m sorry to break it to you, but Fido does not think like you or me. They thrive off of instinct and repetition. Your dog is not going to naturally come up to you and “tell” you he needs to poop! He’s not going to naturally go to a door and scratch to be let out. He has to be trained through repetition and reward to indicate that he needs to relieve himself. A good solid routine is also a great way to facilitate a desired behavior in your pet.
The biggest thing to remember is that mistakes will happen, but don’t get discouraged or frustrated while potty training your dog. Just remain consistent with the steps I will show you and it won’t be long before your dog understands what acceptable behavior is when it comes to relieving himself.
Granted, some dog breeds are easier to train than others, but with just a little effort, all dogs can be house broken in a fairly short amount of time. A problem most pet owners have is in believing that their beloved dog can think and process thoughts and actions just like a human. I’m sorry to break it to you, but Fido does not think like you or me. They thrive off of instinct and repetition. Your dog is not going to naturally come up to you and “tell” you he needs to poop! He’s not going to naturally go to a door and scratch to be let out. He has to be trained through repetition and reward to indicate that he needs to relieve himself. A good solid routine is also a great way to facilitate a desired behavior in your pet.
The biggest thing to remember is that mistakes will happen, but don’t get discouraged or frustrated while potty training your dog. Just remain consistent with the steps I will show you and it won’t be long before your dog understands what acceptable behavior is when it comes to relieving himself.
Potty Training Dogs Step 1: Consistent Routine
As I mentioned earlier, dogs learn through repetition and reward and
they learn to associate actions with those rewards. It doesn’t matter if
it is a puppy or an older dog, they both will learn to respond to
rewards in positive ways. As soon as you have your new dog, you need to
set a good routine for “potty training”. If you want your pet to go
outdoors to relieve himself, then he needs to be taken out at regular
intervals. Most dogs prefer a little exercise before squatting, so make
sure you give him ample time. As soon as your dog begins doing his
business, start praising him in your “happy” voice. You should also have
a small treat on hand as a reward for the good behavior.
If you want your pet to use an indoor puppy pad or similar space, then place them on the pad at regular intervals and be ready to praise them in the same was as above when they relieve themselves in the proper area. Soon the dog will begin to associate the praise and reward with his action and will be eager to do the “right” thing. Remember, don’t get frustrated or angry when your puppy has an accident. I will cover how to deal with accidents later.
If you want your pet to use an indoor puppy pad or similar space, then place them on the pad at regular intervals and be ready to praise them in the same was as above when they relieve themselves in the proper area. Soon the dog will begin to associate the praise and reward with his action and will be eager to do the “right” thing. Remember, don’t get frustrated or angry when your puppy has an accident. I will cover how to deal with accidents later.
Potty Training Dogs Step 2: Crate Training
It is always a good idea to get your pet used to being in a crate or
kennel. Kennels are also a great way to speed up the potty training
process. Dogs generally will not relieve themselves in the same area
they lie or sleep in. This makes crate training a great way to train
while you are away at work or out shopping. You can start by putting
your dog in the kennel for about an hour at a time. As soon as you let
him out, it is important that you take him straight to the area where he
should relieve himself. Make sure you praise him well when you get the
desired behavior. In the beginning, it is best to do this at least 3 or 4
times a day. The dog soon begins to associate coming out of the kennel
with using the bathroom and getting a treat. Before long, you can go to
work without worrying about your pet soiling the carpets and he will be
ready to go when you get home. Again, consistency is the key!
Potty Training Dogs Step 3: Dealing With Accidents
Accidents are unavoidable and are going to happen when house training
your dog. The key thing here is to not get angry and frustrated with
your pet. This can have a severely adverse affect on your dog’s
training. In fact, this is often the reason why potty training a dog can
become even harder.
You should never discipline a dog “after the fact” when it comes to accidents. Remember, they don’t process thoughts like we do. Rubbing a dog’s nose in their feces merely confuses them and they may even think you are encouraging them to eat it. They have no problem with that because most want to taste it anyway! Another thing that should be avoided is yelling and screaming at your dog in an angry voice when you see them going potty in the house. What this does is associate using the bathroom with punishment and will soon have your pet hiding to do his business.
If you see your pet start to arch his back or possibly in mid stream, simply walk over and immediately pick him up. Don’t worry, as soon as you pick them up, they will instinctively stop what they are doing. Then calmly take them to where they should be using the bathroom. Just as before, make sure you praise them and give a treat when they finish up in the right spot. We want to continue to associate the potty training with positive affirmation and reward.
You should never discipline a dog “after the fact” when it comes to accidents. Remember, they don’t process thoughts like we do. Rubbing a dog’s nose in their feces merely confuses them and they may even think you are encouraging them to eat it. They have no problem with that because most want to taste it anyway! Another thing that should be avoided is yelling and screaming at your dog in an angry voice when you see them going potty in the house. What this does is associate using the bathroom with punishment and will soon have your pet hiding to do his business.
If you see your pet start to arch his back or possibly in mid stream, simply walk over and immediately pick him up. Don’t worry, as soon as you pick them up, they will instinctively stop what they are doing. Then calmly take them to where they should be using the bathroom. Just as before, make sure you praise them and give a treat when they finish up in the right spot. We want to continue to associate the potty training with positive affirmation and reward.
Potty Training Dogs Step 4: Avoiding Disaster
have often heard that limiting a dog’s amount of food per day can also
help with the potty training process. This is true to a certain extent,
but generally, regular dry dog food is not much of a problem at all.
What is a major problem is allowing your dog to eat people food. A dog’s
digestive system is more sensitive than a human’s, and people food is
much too rich for dogs. Giving a dog table scraps and people food is a
sure way to have more than your fair share of accidents. It will also
alter the consistency of your dog’s feces and make for a much harder
cleanup. A dog who eats people food on a regular basis will defecate
much more often than one who does not. It will also cause abnormal
weight gain and lead to all sorts of health complications with your
beloved pet. A dog who maintains a strict diet of good dog food will
live a much longer, happier and healthy life.
Summing It Up
pet owners, we often make the process of potty training our dogs harder
than it should be. An accident prone dog can zap a lot of enjoyment out
of a pet owner, but the reality is that it is easy to correct the
problem. More often than not, doggy accidents are more to blame on the
owner than on the dog. Successfully potty training a dog is merely an
exercise in consistency, praise and reward. This concept is also great
for getting any desired action from your pet, whether it be rolling over
and playing dead or not jumping on the furniture. Learning these dog
training concepts will allow you to have a much more enjoyable
experience with your pet and avoid the need for getting rid of a lovable
family member. There are also many excellent books devoted to house
training specific dog breeds which can offer insight on the temperament
of your special pet.